Introducing the For Our City Podcast
Introducing the For Our City Podcast

Introducing the For Our City Podcast

Want to See God Transform Your City?

The compassion of Jesus was never random. It was his purpose for coming to earth. He saw our need, and came to meet it. At one important moment, he said about himself, “I have come so that they may have life and have it in abundance” (John 10:10b, CSB).

That purpose of giving life and life abundant determined how Jesus treated people, what his priorities were when he was with people, and how he responded when people needed food, sight, or health. And that was his motivation as he gave his life so that all of us could move from death to eternal life. Jesus served the common good of others to offer them life and life to the fullest.

So to partner with you and your church to advance Jesus’ Kingdom by serving the common good in your community, I’m excited to launch the For Our City Podcast.

Through weekly interviews featuring the stories of amazing, everyday followers of Jesus in my own city and in communities around the country, and the wisdom of pastors, authors, and non-profit leaders, the For Our City Podcast provides insight and encouragement that equips you and your church to build coalitions of compassion that can impact every corner of your city.

[ctt template=”3″ link=”8rJ02″ via=”no” ]As we serve our city, we offer an amazing preview of a greater city to come, whose builder and architect is God. @darylcrouch [/ctt]

The greatest life change in your city will probably not happen on your church campus, but in the domains of business, government, education, arts, sports, and healthcare. It happens as we identify pockets of vulnerability in our city, build partnerships with others, and then respond with compassion to share help and hope.

So let me ask you to take this next step with me and subscribe, listen, and share the For Our City Podcast. It’s available on iTunes, Stitcher, and other podcatchers. Please visit the website to see more information and sign up for email updates as well.

Upcoming Guests Include:

Please Subscribe

Visit to partner with us and subscribe at iTunes, Stitcher, or your favorite podcatcher. And then listen weekly for practical help as you join God’s Kingdom mission in your city.

Share the Love

If the content is helpful now or in the future, please feel free to share the love. I’ve written a few example posts you’re welcome to use on social media or even in an ole fashioned text message to a friend:

For real stories of life change and city transformation, subscribe to the new For Our City Podcast with @darylcrouch at

Discover how serving the common good can transform your city. Subscribe to the new For Our City Podcast with @darylcrouch at

It seems the biggest Kingdom impact happens when everyday followers of Jesus do ordinary things in their corner of the city to show God’s love and tell His story. And as we serve our city we offer an amazing preview of a greater city to come, whose builder and architect is God.