If You Will Pray
If You Will Pray

If You Will Pray

If You Pray PhotoGod is doing a great work in our church family. But I’m reminded of Jesus’ words that we can do nothing apart from Him (John 15). So as we trust God for greater things, we depend wholly on Jesus. And we lean into Him through prayer. So if you will pray, here are a few ways you can pray for Green Hill Church during these days:

Pray for God to give each of us an awareness of lost people around us and power in witness so that souls will be saved.

Fresh Faith.
Pray our love for Jesus, His Word, and His work consumes our lives.

Whether single or married, pray for God to restore health to our families.

Staff Team
As we search for key staff members, pray for God to grow our team, to keep us healthy, and to protect us from evil.

Pray that the unity of our faith family will be a powerful Gospel witness in the community.

Servant Leaders
Pray for God to raise up servant leaders who give their lives to making disciples of Jesus for the global glory of God.

Sending Capacity
Ask the Lord to expand our ability to send out disciples to start groups and churches in our community and around the world.

Thanks for taking a moment to pray for Green Hill Church.