Are we selfish servants?
Are we selfish servants?

Are we selfish servants?

Selfless ServiceServing is selfless, right?  Of course it should be, but sometimes our service goes rogue.  Sometimes serving others isn’t about others at all.

How can that happen?

We serve to look good in front of others.
We serve to earn God’s favor.
We serve to get something in return.
We serve to prove we are better than others.
We serve to make up for past mistakes.
We serve to _____________________ (you can fill in the blank).

There are all kinds of ways we serve from a selfish heart.  Even the first followers of Jesus struggled with this idea of self-denying service. But Jesus told them,

“For whoever wishes to save his life will lose it, but whoever loses his life for My sake, he is the one who will save it.” Luke 9:24 (NAS)

So it seems there is great reward in serving, but when we seek any reward less than the glory of God, our gain becomes terrible loss.

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